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What Are Some Ways That People Broke Drug Addictions Historically?

Question by Flower Player: what are some ways that people broke drug addictions historically?
I am doing a report but after tons and tons of research, I CANNOT FIND HISTORICAL DIAGNOSES FOR DRUGS, I am looking for ways that have been put out of practice, for example, one historical treatment for illness was “leeching” putting a leech on somebody, and letting them drink out all of the “bad blood”. Once again, I am looking for discontinued practices for breaking drug abuse.

Best answer:

Answer by Angela
Your search may have been futile, because for a long time, what we know as “drug addiction” wasn’t recognized as a mental or social problem.

Some other treatments you may want to look into though, is shock treatment. Also, I see in my psychology text book, that in ancient Rome, addiction (but also a number of other problems were treated by soaking the “patient” in a hot bath and cooling them off rapidly.

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