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Posts Tagged ‘step meetings’

Question by ebizartistry: For Substance addiction counselors…please?
Many courts require as a matter of their S.O.P. that any drug/alcohol related misdeameanor be ordered to participate in their drug and alcohol program which is fee based paid to the court, or seek counseling from a private institution.

I question the true therapeutic value of court mandated substance abuse counseling, as well as its effectiveness in helping its clients with drug addiction issues. I have spoke with many people over the years who have been ordered to this program and most, if not all, have indicated that it is a great place to swap war stories and network for new connections. It does however generate a lot of revenue for the court.

How does the counseling profession feel about persons being “ordered” to participate in their services? Does it limit the availability of beds for those who desire to, and choose to get clean themselves?

Best answer:

Answer by parkermbg
there are several key factors that go into “court mandated recovery”
1. the courts (& society) would rather see you recover than go to prison.
2. prisons are over-crowded, so any seemingly viable option is worth reaching for
3. there truly is insufficient infrastructure to deal with drug related crimes
4. most courts do not do success/failure statistics on this mandated recovery, they just hope for the best! if even 5% of offenders stop abusing-then its a good thing.

as for the recovery comunity;
professionals, recovery homes, and even 12 step meetings often get annoyed with those individuals that do not take recovery seriously. some long term programs would fold if the courts stopped sending them bodies, but certainly most of these groups and professionals want to reach as many addicts as possible, so the courts scatter gun theory (throw enough crap against the wall & some of it has gotta stick) is tolerated. those who truly want to be free of drugs will find a way (hopefully).

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Spirituality and addiction recovery can be an emotional topic in some circles. Part of the dictionary definition for spiritual is insubstantial. There was a time in my life when I would have agreed with that part of the definition. Someone would say the word spirituality and I would hear God.

Since my concept of God was distorted I had no use for spirituality. When I first attended 12 step meetings almost thirty years ago members spoke of the spiritual part of the fellowship; which led me to believe there was a separate part that dealt with all thing spiritual. Well that was fine with me; I had enough to do staying totally abstinent. Anyone that stays in recovery can tell you, your thinking starts to change.

You become more accepting of ideas that just months earlier you would have argued against. Spirituality came to be the quality of the relationships that were important to me. It was a few years still before I understood I was a spiritual being and would grow in a spiritually positive of negative direction. When the positive growth outweighed the negative I was able to accept God as my higher power.

Years earlier when I attended a drug rehab center I fought robustly against esoterically flavored concepts. Today I accept that inside of me there exists a spiritual life. This life, once awakened overwhelms life itself and overtakes what life had been. This awareness is not so much something we possess but a quality of our being that defies explanation. It is with this truth that I move forward in my recovery. When I stumble I have only to look with-in, not to myself but that which exists in my being.

Dan C’s career in the addiction field spans twenty-five years. He has held positions in all phases of administration and clinical services in Treatment Facilities throughout the state of Florida. He is currently employed by

Being an addict leaves an individual in constant turmoil, whether, the addiction is an alcohol addiction, or a drug addiction. There is not one addict that does not want to quit. An addiction has a harmful effect on not only the individual, but the family and friends of the addict, as well. In time, the addiction begins to completely control their lives, and you will find that it can possess a high level of risk to the individual, both emotionally and physically.
There are millions of American’s that are struggling to overcome a drug addiction or alcoholism. There are also millions of American’s that have overcome their addictions. Whether you are an addict, or you know someone that is suffering with addiction, the time to take action is now.
There is a variety of information out there, but, likely one of the best support and therapeutic resources for the addict is a rehab center. Through a rehab center the addict has the specialized care and counsel that they need for their addiction.
What Can I Expect From a Drug Rehab Center?
A drug rehab center is specialized to treat the addict. They are aware of the latest techniques, have the proper equipment, counsel and medical personnel at the facility, as well as, the support the addict needs. There are over 15,000 treatment centers in the United States, with each having their own degree of specialty in treating the addiction.

What Should I Look For in a Drug Rehab Center?

Drug Rehab centers will vary in location. Some may be in the center of the city, while others are in a secluded area. You should look for an addiction center that provides comprehensive addiction treatment. This may be a detox, an outpatient or residential care. Many rehab centers are based on the 12 Step-based addiction treatment programs which are used by Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. The rehab centers should have medically supervised detox, outpatient and residential care, which include counseling to the recovering addict.

The idea of the rehab center is to provide a spiritual, emotional and physical rebirth. The addict can expect to receive:

* Education about addiction
* Group and individual counseling
* Recovery skills training
* Family program
* Sober recreation
* Relapse prevention planning
*Possible lifetime aftercare
* Possibly 12 Step Meetings and Book Study
* Medical Supervision

Personal care is important when overcoming an addiction. The addict wants their life back, but, without the proper care, that may not be possible, as it is an addiction that they are dealing with. Recovery means having tools, programs, and activities to support the addict in the journey of recovery. Management and recovery must be taught and personalized for the individual and the rehab center must be one that the addict whether an alcoholic or a drug addicts is comfortable in the environment.
A rehab center that offers lifetime aftercare which is important as there are times in an addicts life, even once recovered from their addiction, they may fall back and begin to indulge in their addiction again.

Alcohol Treatment Centers across the United States can be found at Treatment USA.

Question by jasimine w: when being sentenced from the judge residential treatment what happens next?

Best answer:

Answer by OneRunningMan
“Residential Treatment:

Promises Westside’s residential program – licensed by the State of California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs – provides comprehensive, individualized treatment based on proven social and psychodynamic methods. We provide a confidential, secluded environment – a peaceful setting where hope and healing begin. Our program includes:

24-hour detoxification facilitation

“Dual Diagnosis” evaluation and treatment (see “Dual Diagnosis” section for more info)

Daily educational lectures

Relapse prevention skills development

Psychodrama therapy

Individualized treatment planning

One-on-one counseling

Group therapy sessions

Recreational therapy, physical fitness

Scheduled 12-Step meetings in the local community

Equine Assisted Therapy

Health and nutrition education

Family counseling, therapy, education and involvement

Aftercare planning

As noted above, Promises can facilitate detoxification services through independent physicians specializing in addiction treatment. During the critical stage of early recovery, we will work to ensure that new residents who volunteer for this auxiliary service experience the safest and most comfortable drug and alcohol detoxification possible.

Using the most effective techniques available today, an individualized treatment plan is developed for each client by our multidisciplinary clinical team to assure a successful recovery.
All meals are prepared on site by our chef, providing the healthy and balanced nutrition necessary for rebuilding the body.

After more than 15 years of dedicated service, Promises has helped over 10,000 people – plus their families, partners, and loved ones – return to health and maintain a lasting recovery.”

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Community Services for Nov. 24
REJOICING IN RECOVERY, a faith-based addictions group, meets every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Flow of the Spirit Church, 90 Sheffield Drive, Ashville. For more information, call … NEW BEACON HOSPICE has a program for veterans called Hospice for Heroes …
Read more on Gadsden Times

Your Hardest Family Question: My Husband Expects Me to be His Mother
I have been going to LDS 12-step meetings for more than five years and while I understand the co-dependence thing, I still don't know how to set boundaries so I can be his wife. Answer: While it's important for … He is the owner of Alliant Counseling …
Read more on Meridian Magazine

Make families a refuge from the storm of pornography addiction
Elder Wade is an area Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root,” Elder Wade said, quoting Henry David … Each spouse must make his or her own …
Read more on Deseret News

Studies Explore Origins of Addiction, Treaments
People with damage to this area were less prone to the motivations of gamblers, providing a clue to identify areas of the brain that are linked to gambling addiction; Pathological gamblers may love a cash payout, but care less about other types of …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)

Do 12 Step Meetings Work for Sex Addicts?
12 step meetings stop the isolation part of the sex addiction cycle. You get to expose the addiction cycle and the shame you feel, which takes the power out of the acting out. There are all types of 12 step meetings for sex addicts and their partners …
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