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Posts Tagged ‘cold turkey’

Question by Amberly: What can my doctor do for ambien addiction?
I want to get off of ambien and sleep aids all together, but when I try to do it myself, I get extremely sick and can’t stop shaking and vomiting. If I make an appointment with my doctor, what can he do for me? I dont feel that my problem is big enough for “rehab”, but I definitely know that I need some sort of intervention.

Best answer:

Answer by Dexter Morgan
You can’t quit cold turkey. That is very bad for your body. You need to gradually reduce your intake and your body will become readjusted and no longer need it. Talk to your doctor about your desire to stop taking it, he will advise you how eventually quit. But you can’t just stop taking it all at once. Tell him the effects when you stop taking it. You need to GRADUALLY reduce your intake, most likely over a period of a month or two. I’m not a doctor but I know if you stop taking medication and try to quit cold turkey your body will react badly.

He can advise how to quit SAFELY and alternatives

Melatonin is a natural sleep aide that is non habit forming.

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'Automation Addiction' And The Asiana Crash: What Happens When We Trust
People are apt to assume the computer knows best. Drivers, for example, will believe navigation systems over their own eyes, turning the wrong way down one-way streets, driving miles into remote locales or trusting an app over their sense of direction.
Read more on Huffington Post

Internet addiction warning as games fair hits Hong Kong
Lee Chin-hei, who is in charge of Christian Service's Online Addiction Counselling Centre, said his team received up to a dozen calls a week from parents seeking help with their children's computer addiction. This was about three times as many calls as …
Read more on South China Morning Post

Ill behaviour: the addictions that destroy lives
Treatment for behavioural addictions involves a combination of counselling, therapy and abstinence. This was the case for both Lucy and Alex, who went completely cold turkey after just one meeting with a psychologist. "My mum took apart my computer and …
Read more on The Independent

Question by bluewatermarketplace: How would a Doctor treat an 80yr old junkie?
My Mom has be on massive doses of pain meds- for post op treatment from various surgeries for 25 or more years. Hip replacements, knee replacements shoulder replacements back surgery, gastrointestinal surgery. No vital organ surgery. And her most significant problem is mild diabetes. And of course tolerance to pain meds. And now she has developed a “tremor” (non-neuro) they are treating with valium along with the pain meds. Is there any “detox” options???

Best answer:

Answer by Noone i
Well…from personal experience, have them wean her off them slowly. My dr took me off with no ramp down and he about killed me. It threw me into a terrible depression, vile withdrawals and headaches that would have made death seem like a vacation.

Whatever they do…slowly is the key. There is no reason to hurry it along, she has them in her system for years, cold turkey could literally kill her.

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Question by Amberly: What can my doctor do for ambien addiction?
I want to get off of ambien and sleep aids all together, but when I try to do it myself, I get extremely sick and can’t stop shaking and vomiting. If I make an appointment with my doctor, what can he do for me? I dont feel that my problem is big enough for “rehab”, but I definitely know that I need some sort of intervention.

Best answer:

Answer by Dexter Morgan
You can’t quit cold turkey. That is very bad for your body. You need to gradually reduce your intake and your body will become readjusted and no longer need it. Talk to your doctor about your desire to stop taking it, he will advise you how eventually quit. But you can’t just stop taking it all at once. Tell him the effects when you stop taking it. You need to GRADUALLY reduce your intake, most likely over a period of a month or two. I’m not a doctor but I know if you stop taking medication and try to quit cold turkey your body will react badly.

He can advise how to quit SAFELY and alternatives

Melatonin is a natural sleep aide that is non habit forming.

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Question by livitup11: Withdrawl from sugar/carbs?
I just found out that I’m hypoglycemic. Unfortunately, as a side-effect of this, I have been eating a TON of sugars and carbs in order to compensate for my condition. What I really need to do is regulate my blood sugar by eating less sugar and carbs- it would really be best to eliminate them altogether.

How do I do this? Sugar and carbs are like a drug to me- I’m emotionally attached and I feel like crap if I don’t eat any. If I decide to go cold-turkey, how many days would I have to avoid carbs/sugar altogether before I can expect to be rid of my addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by greenmay
going cold turkey usually doesn’t work for most people with addictions. why don’t u gradually cut down, that way ure body will be in less of a shock when u stop all together

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Question by Alicia: does the sinclair method really work and is it a cure?
I’ve been having problems with AA and other programs. I detox for a while and usually before a year is out I’ve lost control and fallen off the wagon.

Someone suggested the Sinclair Method and I was wondering if it really works.

Best answer:

Answer by Alex
Is it a cure? Not really as you’re always going to be an alcoholic. Is it damn close to being a cure? Yes it is.

One of the problems with detox, rehab, and AA is that oddly enough, going cold turkey on alcohol can often trigger a stronger desire for it than by detoxing by cutting back.

That’s what few people tell you. That you don’t have to go cold, you can detox by slow withdrawal.

Also there is the problem of being a recovering alcoholic. You are an outcast in many ways. As Robin Williams once put it…”I’m a reformed alcoholic. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ABOUT MYSELF! No, you have that double vodka, I’ll be in the corner kicking the cat.”

A funny way of saying that you are always going to be tempted when others drink around you. Either that or you’re going to be excluded from certain events because frankly no one wants to be the one that tips you off the wagon.

So how does it work? When an alcoholic drinks, the body produces endorphins which is part of the body’s reward system. This is why people enjoy working out, certain foods, taking risks (roller coaster junkies, extreme sports folks, etc), sex, getting scared at movies, etc. The release of endorphins is the reward that teaches the body to crave more.

So when you drink, you release endorphins which makes the body crave more and this is why we go from cold turkey to drinking anything alcoholic we can get our grubby protuberances on.

What the medication does (Naltrexone is the most commonly used with studies being done on Naloxone and Nalmefene) is to block the release of the endorphins. So you take the pill one hour before you’re going to drink and your body’s reward system blocks the endorphin reward meaning that your body doesn’t get the craving for more.

Yes, this treatment means that you can go out and drink that glass of bubbly at New Years Eve, can drink a toast to the Bride and Groom, go on that Wine tasting in Napa Valley, knock off a pint or two while watching the game at the local sports bar.

Which makes you feel normal again.

There is a problem if you go on it. While it’ll work right off the bat, there is the psychological aspect. You have been an addict for so long that while this works, you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop. That you’re waiting for the moment of failure to come. It doesn’t, but for a good while you’re going to have to overcome that aspect of you.

Now I say that this is not a cure as you’re always going to have to take the pill before drinking. I’ve been on for almost three years now and still have to take that pill. But while it is not the cure…it’s the next best thing.

You can read about it here from the people who developed it. The cure for Alcoholism by

And there is also “Babylon Confidential: A Memoir of Love, Sex, and Addiction” by Babylon 5’s Claudia Christian which chronicles her descent into alcoholism and her success with TSM

That one I read and saw many similarities to my own descent into madness. Not the details naturally. I’ve never knocked boots with Dodi Fayed

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