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Posts Tagged ‘alcohol addiction’

Doug Moe: The son also rises at Blackhawk Country Club
Schnarr had a debilitating drug and alcohol addiction that came to a head around Christmas 2004. He observed nine years of sobriety this January. … Finally, on New Year's Eve, Mike arranged an intervention. Derek would later say his dad saved his life.

Report: Irsay's behavior was alarming around Colts organization
The Trent Richardson trade alone should have triggered an automatic intervention and an NFL mandated rehabilitation program. ajgreenhof says: … Like with alcohol, people are never fully cured and its a life long struggle that they fight daily. He …

Moline police report for March 14, 2014
Victim Juvenile Report by : MCNABB, R. E. Offense/s Listed: RUNAWAY/MINOR REQUIRING AUTHORITATIVE INTERVENTION. 2014-002412 On 3/14/2014 23:09 P.M. a report that the following incident occurred at/near 1200 … This report was filed with the Moline …
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Chris Pine pleads guilty, has license suspended after DUI arrest
… told police he'd consumed four vodka drinks. Police told the court that a blood test found Pine's blood-alcohol level was 0.11 percent, which is over New Zealand's legal limit of 0.08 percent. Pine appeared at a courthouse in Ashburton, New Zealand …
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Elizabeth Vargas' husband 'had affair when she was in rehab'
The sources claim that songwriter Cohn — who wrote “Walking in Memphis” and has been married to Vargas since 2002 — was seen with the divorced spin guru during and after Vargas was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction. Vargas sought …
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California Non 12-Step Addiction Treatment Centers Awarded CARF Accreditation
Watsonville, California – In March 2014, the Redwood Cliffs alcohol and drug treatment facility (utilizing the Narconon drug rehabilitation method) was very pleased and proud to announce the achievement of three-year accreditation from CARF …
Read more on Imperial Valley News

Carl Alasko: How to tell if addicted to alcohol
Is there any new discovery about alcohol that I might be able to use to get him to stop drinking so much? Dear Reader: Addictions of all kinds are one of the most studied subjects because the consequences are very serious. After all this study, however …
Read more on Monterey County Herald

Vivitrol Helps Treat Alcohol and Drug Addictions
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration says in Washington County there were more than 1,200 people treated for opiate addiction last year and more than 400 were from heroin. Since 2011, the health department has treated more than 40 people at the …
Read more on WHAG

Online gambling spurs addiction fears
"Compulsive gambling, like drug and alcohol addiction, can be successfully treated," said Lynn Kovich, state assistant commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services. New Jersey is the third state — after Delaware and Nevada — to authorize …
Read more on USA TODAY

Question by mggcrawford: for those with experience with alcohol addiction, do u recommend AA, alcohol treatment program, or therapist?

Best answer:

Answer by Mox Nix
AA. the fellowship and companionship works wonders.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

You can expect to find help at alcoholism rehab that you would not otherwise find if you tried to address your alcoholism on your own. Most people do not realize how much help they can get when it comes to treating their alcohol addiction, but there is a great deal of help that can be had when you seek it out. There is a great success rate when it comes to those who seek to get help for their problem with alcohol. The success rate is even higher if they seek out help on their own rather than are forced into a program However, even those who are forced into a program will pick up some sort of knowledge when it comes to why they drink.

There are many programs out there for those who abuse substances. The first thing that the program will usually address is getting the person sober right away. This is important when it comes to an alcohol addiction because the substance is physically dependent. Those who have a problem with alcohol will realize that they go through withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop drinking. This can prevent them from stopping drinking, even if they want to, as the physical effects can deter them from ceasing to drink. Getting over the physical effects of withdrawal therefore is one of the most important aspects of rehab.

After the physical addiction to alcohol is conquered, then the emotional addiction to the substance must be conquered as well. There is usually a reason why someone drinks. It often is due to depression and a feeling of lack of control. The drink allows a person to feel more in control and also lowers their inhibitions. Those who drink often are trying to literally drown their sorrows in liquor, although they will not usually know why they drink. Therapy can help them see why they have problems with alcohol and why they actually feel that they have a need to drink to solve their problems.

Once the reason for the addiction is uncovered, the person can then be on the road to recovery very quickly. Very often, those who drink will deny that there is a reason for their drinking or will not want to discuss it. It can take therapy to get this out of them, but when the burden is lifted, they feel better emotionally as well as physically.

Those who are suffering from alcohol addiction are usually self medicating themselves with the alcohol. Therefore, recovery must take both an account of the physical components of the addiction as well as the mental components of the addiction. When both of these are addressed with the consent of the person who is suffering from alcoholism, then they feel better about themselves and have an excellent chance at a full recovery from being an alcoholic. The person who is the alcoholic must be willing to get help for their problem if they are to succeed in treatment.

Alcoholism Rehab can help someone who is suffering from Alcoholism get the help that they need to get sober. To find out more information, go to Recovery Now TV.

Find More Alcoholism Rehab Centers Articles

Every illness requires expert clinical and psychological support. This support is gained at rehabs which are well equipped with modern technology and have good facilities. These rehabs carry out one on one discussion with their clients and then based on their requirements, likes, social surrounding and economic background chart out treatment programs. These programs are based on their individual preferences and personal characteristics. The recovery programs not only focus on physical health but also deal with psychological problems if any. The rehabs have state of art technology, which is effectively used for benefits of their clients. The psychologists prepare behavioral therapies for reforming the thinking process. By doing this their clients are able to deal with their problems with a new perspective and renewed thinking pattern.


There are various types of addictions like alcohol addiction, drug addiction etc. these are more harmful types, whereas there are some types of addiction which are not that harmful to the individuals. These addictions can be less fatal and do not harm the body. These are compulsive shopping, cleaning and so on. These individuals are often tagged as fanatics. They are obsessed with their habits. But these are comparatively less harmful habits and have more to do with psychological problem than physical. But the above mentioned addictions are very dangerous if not treated on time.


A more personalized approach is carried out and the treatment is planned accordingly. They do not follow the routine path of treatment, but experiment new recovery plans to get effective and better results. The rehabs do not only aim recovering from the addiction but also carry out programs which help in rebuilding the lost self esteem, self confidence etc. Drug treatment programs at rehabs primarily focus on getting the toxins out of the patients’ body. This process is called detoxification. It requires professional support and expert supervision.


Lack of which can call for troubles. Hence, it is always recommended to be admitted into rehabs for getting professional support. These rehab centers not only provide support and professional help for recovery but also change the life style by changing the mindset and thinking patterns of an individual. These centers also rope in the families for prolong support in providing the newly sobers a very healthy environment around them, which prevents them from going back to the addiction.

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