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Q&A: Questions About a Recovery Group?

Question by Happy Hiram: Questions about a recovery group?
A friend of mine who is a recovering heroin user was hit up conversationally by a guy who said “You have a lot of good ideas but you need to get rid of this God business” and he told her a bunch of malarky that LOOKs like an Atheist Organization passing itself off as agnostics. Some of his ideas:

“We commit ouselves to the truth that we are each all equally and always free agents, soul authors, solely responsible for all that has been,currently is and what will be what we call our lives.”

“We reject the prosciptions of religion finding them unacceptable
dogmas but more importantly we reject methods which generate those dogmas. The operative matter is not what a person or group believes
but that they believe at all. We consider belief not simply wrong but a destructive, ethically evil phenomenon. All social conflict is generated by clashing belief systems.”

“We are not atheists, as we are acutely aware that such a position requires the same types of belief equally as any other fundamentalist attitude. As dedicated agnostics we seek at all times to eliminate belief and the conflict – including the self conflict we call ‘addiction’ . And as writers of the scripts that are our lives,we are critical of those parts of any narrative which rely on any tricks to facillitate its flow; there is no room for any extistential deus ex machina such as destiny,fate ,luck or most commonly and most toxically,god(s).”

A) Does anybody recognize this garbage


B) How can people who reject belief systems promote “free will” and “evil” as non-beliefs?
Steven you are saying folks who want “spirituality” over religion (ala 12 step programs) are saying “your belief in GOD is causing conflict”????

That is hardly live and let live if you ask me.
Also Steven they are hitting on a chronic relapser trying to convert her to some offshoot cult that has so much support the guy was speaking in whispers in a coffee shop???

I think YOU might need to re-examine the idea of an ANTI-BELIEF BELIEF, and someone who has enough to do just staying clean.

Best answer:

Answer by ? Brian ?
Agree absolutely with the first quote.

The beginning of the second quote is fine. Rejecting the dogmas of religion. But the nonsensical crap starts with “we reject methods which generate those dogmas.” wtf does that even mean. “We consider belief not simply wrong but a destructive, ethically evil phenomenon” Now this is borderline mental retardation. They themselves hold countless beliefs. Including the BELIEF that there is no God. So it’s very very hard for me to believe that somebody actually said this. If so….then they should just jump off a bridge for being so stupid.

Yep. Turns out they are mentally retarded, based on the first sentence of the last quote. You’re right. This is a bunch of confused garbage.

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