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How Would a Doctor Treat an 80yr Old Junkie?

Question by bluewatermarketplace: How would a Doctor treat an 80yr old junkie?
My Mom has be on massive doses of pain meds- for post op treatment from various surgeries for 25 or more years. Hip replacements, knee replacements shoulder replacements back surgery, gastrointestinal surgery. No vital organ surgery. And her most significant problem is mild diabetes. And of course tolerance to pain meds. And now she has developed a “tremor” (non-neuro) they are treating with valium along with the pain meds. Is there any “detox” options???

Best answer:

Answer by Noone i
Well…from personal experience, have them wean her off them slowly. My dr took me off with no ramp down and he about killed me. It threw me into a terrible depression, vile withdrawals and headaches that would have made death seem like a vacation.

Whatever they do…slowly is the key. There is no reason to hurry it along, she has them in her system for years, cold turkey could literally kill her.

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