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How Do You Tell Your Parents You’re a Sex Addict?

Question by Gwen: How do you tell your parents you’re a sex addict?
I am a sex addict. It’s destroying my relationships with friends and lovers. It’s become harmful to my everyday existence. I am in college at school where the relationship of males to females is 120:1. I am a 1. It’s really starting to get out of control. I am told by my peers frequently that my behavior has gotten way out of hand. I’d like to practice celibacy, to be obedient to God, but it’s so hard undo 7 years of sin. I’d love to seek out counseling or assistance, but I simply cannot with my meager, college student finances. So, that leaves me to have to get the parents in on this one to help me out. How am I supposed to go about telling my folks their little girl is a self-destructive sex-addict!!?? Any advice?
In addition, this is not something I feel comfortable with bringing up with any of my pastors. My student advisors recommended that I find a counselor/doctor with a sliding scale; even those are out of my price range.

Best answer:

Answer by michele
Fortunately, the majority of colleges have university counseling centers. I suggest you consider seeking services there first. After you’ve been in therapy for awhile, you can talk with your therapist about the advisability (or not) of sharing this aspect of your life with your parents.

In addition, it is vital that you get involved with a church group that can help you sort out the spiritual aspects of this condition. The following link can help get you started:

“Out of the Shadows” is an excellent book addressing this issue. I encourage you to go to your college library and pick up a copy. If they don’t have it, get it via inter library loan. It’s worth the wait.

One other free resource for you to consider is attending ANY local 12-step type program. Sexual addiction (like any other) is often amenable to a 12-step type treatment approach.

In Christ,

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