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How Do You Say This in Spanish?

Question by susabrams: How do you say this in Spanish?
How do you say “child support”, “nursing home”, “pager” y “drunk driving” in Spanish? Also, how would you say, “Get the money you deserve.” Please no online translations, I need “street” Spanish!


Best answer:

Answer by redkite
child support = protección de menores, ayuda a la infancia
nursing home = clínica. For people who need special care.
nursing home = asilo. For ederly people.
pager = busca. If you refer to the warning device which warn you with a sound when someone need you.
pager = buscapersonas. The one who search for people.
drunk driving = conduciendo borracho
get the money you deserve = ten el dinero que te corresponde. When you are talking with one person.
get the money you deserve = tomaz el dinero que os corresponde. When you are talking with several persons.

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