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—-“ALCOHOLICS” ????—–?

Question by needtoknow: —-“ALCOHOLICS” ????—–?
What do you think of this…

1.Alcoholism is NOT a disease. For example, think about it, how could all the members of one band all have the same incurable disease? It’s ridicules.

2.You are NOT powerless. We are power full human beings. Why would anyone want to be told they are powerless? It is a negative and demeaning term used at AA.

3.AA wants you to look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself that you are an alcoholic! What a way to start the day! No you are not an alcoholic, you might have chosen to use alcohol in an unhealthy way. The term alcoholic always has and always will be a negative degrading label. You are a human being who may have not handled alcohol properly. Don’t be labeled.

4. AA wants you to go to these meetings. Hello, We know that by surrounding ourselves with POSITIVE people is a much more beneficial thing than sitting around a bunch of people that use the same old cliches that have been around for 100 years. The more meetings you go to, the more you will think about alcohol.

5. AA members say ” How long have you been CLEAN ” ? As opposed to DIRTY ??
Do you think this is true ??
What ? Most alcoholics are mentally ill? Really ??

Best answer:

Answer by sea monkey
i know a few alcoholics and i beg to differ with your ignorance.

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